Saturday, December 27, 2008

Economic Literacy or Integrating Ecofeminism Globalization and World Religions

Economic Literacy: Basic Economics with an Attitude

Author: Frederick S Weaver

With wit and verve, Economic Literacy explains the logic, language, and worldview of economic theory and engagingly describes the organization and performance of the U.S. economy. Its combination of theory and description is essential for understanding debates about current affairs, penetrating the literature of economics, and reflecting on the usefulness and limits of economic analysis. Updated throughout, the second edition includes new discussions of social security, tax reform, surging petroleum prices, and the economic effects of the Iraq war and other international issues.

New interesting book: Economic Development or Comprehensive Project Management

Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions

Author: Rosemary Radford Ruether

This book addresses the practical relevance of the interconnection of feminism, ecology, and religious theological thought, and asks questions about the lack of attention to gender issues in both ecological theology and deglobalization theory. The book looks at issues of globalization, interfaith ecological theology, ecofeminism, and deglobalization movements comparatively across different world religions and across geographical regions.

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